Coach | Owner
Howdy! My name is Jake Meiskin and I am a coach for Resurgence Movement Systems!
I graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology with a BEng in Engineering Management in 2020. Professionally, I now work as a Product Analyst supporting healthcare technology. In terms of coaching, I really love looking at data and leveraging it to make my athletes better, along with just keeping it real.
Growing up, I played a lot of sports, including 3 during high school. As a freshman in college, I played club soccer, but wanted to lose some weight and get jacked, and that’s when I really started getting into the gym. The spring of my freshman year, I set a goal to get into the 1000 lb club by the time I graduated. My junior year I really focused in, and by the end of that year I had hit that goal. My training after that shifted from power-building to actual powerlifting, and I competed for the first time shortly after graduating. I’ve been powerlifting since, and had the ability to shift weight classes, work back from injuries, and continue to build a total.
What makes coaching so great for me is the opportunity to get to know my athletes, both in that version of them but also as friends. From learning to squat and deadlift for the first time, to preparing for their first meet, to making a push for a national qualifying total, I love it all. Getting people to set a goal and truly work for it says a lot, and I’m glad to be able to be apart of that journey and guide people along it.